
Grievance Mechanism Form

We are committed to the consistent application of our Code of Ethics, both internally and externally, and abide by our comprehensive Human Rights and Anti-Corruption Due Diligence Process and standard practices. We make every effort to ensure that our community and our partners are treated with courtesy and that all concerns are acknowledged and addressed in a timely manner. 

We welcome the submission of grievances in our ongoing effort toward continuous improvement and risk management, and through our central goal of embedding sustainable business practices throughout our own culture and the wider industry. We acknowledge the right of any individual or organization relevant to WD, including team members, customers, business partners, service providers, or their representatives, to raise any concerns about our company or our practices. 

This page allows any person to submit a grievance for review, assessment and response according to our documented procedures. The process includes stages of Documentation, Review, Investigation, Substantiation, Remediation, Communication and Tracking. All reported issues should be factual and evidence based, and we ask that you include all pertinent notes in your submission.  Per our grievance procedure, all relevant submissions will be “logged” and maintained in our files for five years. 

Please note that the below form allows for anonymous reporting of incidents or grievances. In the event a “whistleblower” discloses information about a wrongdoing or human rights violation, we will protect the confidentiality of the information, unless disclosure is required by law. Although providing contact information allows WD to follow up over the course of the investigation and resolution process, good faith anonymous submissions will be investigated in the same manner as all others.